Electronic Direct Mail (EDM)

Electronic Direct Mail (EDM) is a digital marketing. Businesses can promote products to probable customers (Opted-in) via email. The best performing Opt-in EDM’s apply cross media communication channels to reinforce the campaign message. This is usually achieved through the incorporation of telemarketing, Mail and SMS messaging.

Person reading emails on phone and laptop

Types Of Emails

The type of Opt-in email you choose depends on what your “call-to-action” is – For example, the type of email used to build brand loyalty is different to an EDM with a promotional offer with a time stamp/deadline or for the purchase of a product.

Advantages Of Email Marketing

With Opt-in email marketing, you can send marketing out within a few hours. Opt-in Email marketing allows you to capitalize on the opportunity of short-term offers.

With Opt-in email marketing, you can send personalized communications, including a customer’s name and emails can be personalized to include customer-relevant information email with relevant products and services. All these aspects improve the customers’ experience and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Man reading emails on phone
Woman Data Management

Campaign Statistics

Opt-in Email campaigns offer detailed tracking data, such as; how many people opened or took the action of your email. This can include; what device it was viewed on and what time it was viewed. All this data is important in allowing you to measure a Return on Investment.

Legal Data Use
Buzzsaw maintains compliance with spam laws and privacy, which is why we send emails
on behalf of our clients rather than giving out email addresses and information.
We also regularly wash our data against opt-in and DNCR to ensure maximum efficacy of
data and the resulting email campaigns. For more information, please see our privacy page.
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